

Words cannot describe how thankful I am for this gem, but I'll do my best.

About 2 years ago, Lauren and I became Facebook friends. Why would two strangers do that? We both loved Haiti, and more specifically, the people of Jesus in Haiti Ministries. About 6 months after that, we decided it was time to become real life friends. Two other friends and I (who also love Haiti) decided to meet up with Lauren halfway between our homes in Indiana and hers in Ohio. We chatted for hours about our passion for Jesus, the Haitian people, and how we desire to be missionaries. Ever since, we spoke often and started becoming great friends. 

I had some conversations with God awhile ago that if he wanted me to come to Haiti, I would need a friend (whether that was a girl my age or a husband, I didn't care). And not just any friend, but a good one. 

Shorty after, I got word that Lauren made the decision to start fundraising for her move to Haiti that coming January. And to fast forward, that January I returned to Haiti for the 3rd time to scope out my potential future there. (In case you haven't read my story, I decided to move to Haiti on my flight back home from that trip.) 

Little did I know when we first met that Lauren would be the friend God would have for me in Haiti. Someone to encourage and be encouraged by, pray with, confide in, spend time with, and co-labor alongside. He didn't put just anyone here for me to do life with; He handpicked my soul sister. Literally, we have almost everything in common. This is just tangible proof that God is capable of blessing us immeasurably more than we can imagine. Moral of the story: God is a faithful and quality provider.  

Thank you, Lauren, for following Jesus to Haiti. I can't wait to see how our friendship unfolds as we serve alongside each other in this place we love and call home.


  1. You two even look alike!! So glad you have each other :)

  2. So proud of you .... Jamie and Lauren.... you are both being used by God to rock Haiti and God will Rock you world too... !!!! Love you Jamie
